15 Essential On-Page SEO Tactics for Improved Website Ranking

At Kinetiks Consulting, we understand the significance of on-page SEO tactics in boosting your website's visibility and ranking on search engines. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline 15 crucial on-page SEO strategies that will help you outrank your competitors and drive more organic traffic to your website. By implementing these tactics, you can enhance your website's experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, all while delivering high-quality content that meets the needs of your target audience.

1. Experience - Expertise - Authority - Trust (E-E-A-T)

When you're writing great content, you always want to keep E-E-A-T at the front of your mind. E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness—and optimizing for these things helps show search engines and readers that your site is the real deal. That means showcasing your true qualifications and niche knowledge, becoming an influential voice that others recognize, and ensuring accuracy and transparency at every turn. In other words, really flaunt those credentials and your depth of topical mastery! Get your work published and shared by trusted industry sources. And adhere to solid ethical practices so readers trust you to have their best interests in mind.

By keeping the E-E-A-T principles as your guiding light, you'll produce content that demonstrates quality and dependability. In this post, we'll explore some best practices for baking expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in everything you create. The more E-E-A-T you can pack in, the more value your content provides for your audience.

E-E-A-T - Google guidelines


Having extensive, hands-on experience in your field is crucial for establishing authority and trustworthiness. Your website should convey the depth of your real-world expertise through:

  • Detailing your background, qualifications, accreditations, and training credentials related to your field. This demonstrates you have put in the necessary work to be knowledgeable.
  • Highlighting years of on-the-job experience, such as products developed, clients served, research conducted, etc. This shows meaningful immersion in your specialty.
  • Sharing first-hand accounts and examples that illustrate your experience. Don't just say you have experience - prove it with stories and specifics.
  • Featuring testimonials from satisfied clients or partners detailing your capable experience. Third-party validation builds further trust.


Expertise goes beyond surface-level experience to reflect specialized skills, mastery, and excellence in your discipline. Ways to demonstrate in-depth expertise:

  • Showcasing credentials that required substantial study and certification to obtain - advanced degrees, licenses, reputable certifications, etc.
  • Providing nuanced, sophisticated content that displays an advanced understanding of complex topics in your field.
  • Citing dedicated research, discoveries, or innovations that contribute new knowledge and techniques. Thought leadership establishes field expertise.
  • Being recognized as an expert by media, professional organizations and peers. Prominently displaying accolades.


Authority reflects being an influential voice that sets standards and shapes opinion. Building authority requires:

  • Establishing prominence through publishing books, academic articles, or high-profile commentary.
  • Holding leadership roles in prestigious professional associations and societies related to your expertise.
  • Being referenced in mainstream media and at major events as an authoritative voice on issues related to your specialty.
  • Curating content from other credible sources to act as a knowledgeable guide for visitors.


Ultimately, expertise means little without trust. Users must feel your information and guidance is credible and dependable. Cultivate trust by:

  • Maintaining high ethical and transparency standards in your content and business practices.
  • Ensuring information accuracy through rigorous citation of sources and fact-checking.
  • Admitting mistakes promptly and updating guidance based on new evidence.
  • Disclosing any potential conflicts of interest or commercial relationships.

By thoroughly covering your experience, highlighting specialized expertise, building authority, and fostering trust - you demonstrate E-E-A-T to users. This helps establish credibility and quality.

2. Quality Content

Creating high-quality content should be a top priority for any website. Follow these best practices to ensure your content genuinely helps and informs your audience.

Answer User Queries

Your content should aim to directly address the questions and needs of your readers. Thoroughly research keywords and conversations happening in your niche to understand user queries. Craft content that provides answers, solutions, explanations, and actionable advice. Satisfy information needs and save users time.

answer user queries

Original Research and Opinions

Unless creating strictly curated/aggregated content, aim to provide original perspectives, insights, findings, and opinions. Conduct your own tests, surveys, data analysis, and experiments. Offer your unique takes on topics backed by experience and expertise. Original content is more valuable and engaging.

Fact-Checking and Citing Resources

All facts, statistics, and data points should be meticulously verified across credible sources. Properly cite all quotes and references used. Link out to raw research and data for transparency. Inaccurate or unsourced information damages credibility.

High Accuracy for "Your Money or Your Life" Topics (YMYL)

Take extra care to ensure total accuracy when giving medical, financial, legal, or safety guidance (YMYL). Get expert input to vet advice. These topics can impact lives, so misinformation can have serious consequences. Err on the side of caution.

By thoroughly answering queries, providing original analysis, rigorously fact-checking, and taking accuracy seriously - you demonstrate respect for your audience and establish trust. Poor quality or misleading content serves no one. Make substance and integrity top priorities.

3. Content Freshness

Creating new content is only half the battle - you also need to keep it updated. Fresh, recently published content performs better in search and keeps readers engaged.

Regular Content Updates

Set a consistent content creation and update schedule appropriate for your niche. Review old posts at least annually. Rewrite outdated guidance, add new data/findings, and test if the content still ranks well and satisfies user intent.

Consider quarterly updates for evergreen technical topics. Faster-moving news-related content may need weekly or even daily updates. The higher the query volume and competition, the more freshness matters.

Assess Query Deserving Freshness

Not all content needs to be constantly refreshed. Assess which specific queries and topics warrant extra attention for freshness based on:

  • Search volume and competition - higher indicates freshness impacts rankings
  • Pace of change in the topic - faster evolution necessitates more updates
  • "Last updated" date - old timestamps can negatively impact clicks and dwell time
  • User feedback - Comments or surveys can reveal outdated or missing information

Then make a content calendar prioritizing updating high-priority pages first.

Striking the right balance for your niche demonstrates you stay on top of trends and developments, without wasting effort constantly rehashing evergreen content simply for freshness.

Aim for a disciplined, ROI-driven approach to keep providing the most timely and useful guidance readers need.

4. Readability and Page Experience

Beyond just keyword optimization, you need to optimize content for actual users by enhancing readability and overall page experience.

Target Audience Consideration

Understand your target reader demographics including education level, technical familiarity, age groups, and other traits that impact reading comprehension. Then craft content suited to them.

Page Experience Factors

  • Loading Speed - Faster page loads improve experience and rankings. Compress assets.
  • Mobile Responsiveness - Content should adapt seamlessly to any screen size.
  • Safe Browsing - No malware, intrusive ads, or sketchy redirects.
  • User Engagement - Compelling media, actionable advice and clear layouts engage visitors.
  • Visual Stability - Prevent content jumping as elements load to reduce frustration.

Readability Best Practices

  • Conversational tone and easy-to-grasp language. Avoid pretentious verbiage.
  • Short sentences and paragraphs focused on one main idea each.
  • Basic writing style adhering to AP style guide conventions.
  • Consistent formatting and clear headings to aid scannability.
  • Proper grammar, punctuation and spelling to cultivate professionalism.

Optimizing for the target audience and crafting easily consumable content demonstrates respect for readers while improving SEO. User experience should be the top priority.

5. Core Web Vitals

Google has emphasized Core Web Vitals as a key ranking factor. Optimizing for these metrics directly improves user experience and search performance.

What are Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals focus on three aspects of user-centric performance:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - Measures loading speed. Keep LCP under 2.5 seconds.
  • First Input Delay (FID) - Quantifies responsiveness. Target under 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - Gauges visual stability. Strive for 0.1 or lower.

How to Improve Core Web Vitals

  • Compress images, videos, CSS and HTML files to optimize page weight. Every KB matters.
  • Enable caching and compression via tools like Redis, Cloudflare, or caching plugins. Reduce server response times by implementing fast hosting.
  • Preconnect to third-party origins and DNS to accelerate requests.
  • Defer non-critical JavaScript. Load crucial UI first.
  • Resize content elements with JavaScript after page load to prevent CLS.
  • Emphasize proper HTML structure and ARIA roles for accessibility.

Test with tools like PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse. Iterate to push all metrics into at least the green range, optimizing further over time.

With fast, responsive, visually consistent page experiences, you provide a superior user journey while also establishing positive signals to Google's ranking algorithms. Core Web Vitals truly optimizes for both visitors and search engines.

6. Mobile-Friendliness

With mobile accounting for over half of all web traffic globally, having a mobile-friendly site is no longer optional - it's a necessity for full participation in search rankings.

Responsive Web Design

Implement responsive web design using a flexible layout and CSS media queries. Content and elements should resize and adapt seamlessly for optimal viewing across all devices and screen sizes.

Avoid horizontal scrolling or shrinking text to illegible sizes on mobile. Test responsiveness across phones, tablets and desktop to cover the spectrum.

Page Speed Optimization

Page speed has an even greater impact on mobile user experience. Lean, fast-loading pages retain mobile visitors.

Optimize images, enable compression, minimize redirects, and eliminate render-blocking resources. Target sub-3 second load times. Audit with PageSpeed Insights.

Touch Optimization

Ensure buttons, links, forms, and other clickable elements are appropriately sized and spaced for tapping fingers on touchscreens.

Enhance click areas by extending touch targets with padding. Prevent close crowding. Optimize navigation menu layouts.

AMP and Mobile Usability

For news/blog sites, implement Google's AMP to enhance mobile performance.

Analyze mobile usability with heatmaps and user testing. Identify points of friction, like difficult navigation. Iteratively refine.

With a fast, seamless mobile experience you engage users while also meeting Google's mobile-friendly requirements for full search visibility.

Safe Browsing

Ensure that your website is safe and secure for users. Implement security measures like SSL certificates, regularly scan for malware, and provide a safe browsing experience.

7. Meta Tags

Meta tags provide structured data about your pages to search engines and influence how content appears in results.

Title Tags

title tag

The title tag is the most important on-page SEO element. Keep titles between 50-60 characters, placing important keywords near the front.

Craft compelling, keyword-rich titles that grab attention and accurately describe the page content. Avoid vague titles like "Home" or "Page 1".

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions summarize page content in 155-160 characters. Well-written descriptions boost click-through rates from search results.

Incorporate keywords naturally while maintaining readability. Use persuasive language highlighting benefits and inciting action.

Open Graph Meta Tags

Open graph tags control how pages appear when shared on social media. Define og:title, og:description, og:image and other tags.

Creating social previews gives you more control over branding and how content is portrayed.

XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap lists all pages on your site and aids indexing. Submit sitemaps in Google Search Console.

Update sitemaps frequently as you publish new content. Include images, video, and other media for full indexing.

Optimized, structured meta tags help pages connect with users and search bots, improving visibility and traffic.

8. Heading Tags

Heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are HTML elements that provide semantic structure for web pages and outline the content hierarchy. Follow these best practices:

H1 Tag

Use a single H1 tag containing your target keyword per page. The H1 should summarize the overall page topic and act as the page title.

H2 Tags

H2 tags indicate subtopics under the main page focus. Use relevant keyword phrases in H2 tags across the page for semantic structure.

H3-H6 Tags

Lower-level tags like H3-H6 further break down content into sections and subsections. Do not over-apply these tags just for formatting text - use them only where structurally appropriate.

Formatting and Placement

Format headings to stand out visually with larger/bolded fonts. Avoid excessive use of italics, underlines or all caps for accessibility.

Place headings above corresponding sections. Avoid skipping heading levels or using them out of order. Headings provide logical information hierarchy.

9. Keyword Optimization

Proper keyword optimization helps align your content with searcher intent and improve SEO.

Keyword Research

Conduct keyword research to identify high-volume, low-competition terms that are relevant to your content focus and offerings.

Prioritize rankings for these primary keywords, while also targeting related secondary keywords. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner.

Natural Keyword Usage

Naturally, incorporate primary and secondary keywords within your content - headlines, opening paragraphs, image alt text, URLs etc.

Avoid awkward overuse. Keyword density should feel natural and match user intent. Readability is key.

Related Keywords

Target related keywords and semantic variations to cover the topic comprehensively:

  • Synonyms like "fast" and "quick"
  • More specific long-tail versions like "sustainable manufacturing practices"
  • Common misspellings and typos like "unted states"

This captures a wider range of intent around your topic while keeping content natural.

Optimizing for target keywords helps search engines properly categorize and surface your content for relevant queries. But always focus first on creating content for users.

10. Image Optimization

Images make content more engaging and scannable for users. Optimize images incorporated into content with these tips:

Image Relevance

Only include images relevant to the content focus. Avoid generic stock images that don't add value. Make sure any charts/graphs support key points.

Image Compression

Compressed image file sizes enable faster page loads. Use tools to compress JPG, PNG, GIF and SVG files without quality loss. Set appropriate resolutions.

Alt Text

Write descriptive alt text summarizing what each image adds to the content, using relevant keywords. Screen reader users rely on alt text.

File Names

Give uploaded image files descriptive names incorporating keywords, like "keyword-example-image.jpg". Avoid generic names like "image1".


Optimal image dimensions depend on placement but 800-1200 pixels width generally looks good in content. Scale appropriately for Retina displays.

By ensuring images enrich content rather than just decorate, compressing files, and writing effective alt text - you demonstrate optimization best practices.

11. Video

Adding videos to your website engages visitors with multimedia content. Optimize videos using these tips:

Video Sitemaps

Create a video sitemap with data like duration, description, thumbnail, closed captions and keywords for each video. Help search engines fully index.


Use tools to compress video files without reducing visual quality. This enables smooth playback and quicker load times.


Choose an eye-catching, relevant frame from the video for the thumbnail shown before playback. Include keywords in the file name.

Closed Captions

Add closed caption subtitles and transcripts to aid viewership and SEO. Enable auto-generated captions as a starting point.


Properly embed videos using HTML5 rather than Adobe Flash for better performance across devices. Use appropriate width/heights.

Optimization enables videos to attract viewers, rank well in video search results, and contribute to overall SEO efforts as multimedia content assets.

12. Alt Text

Alt text is a best practice that is often overlooked and misunderstood. It serves multiple purposes, including providing text alternatives for visually impaired users and helping search engines understand the content of images. Consider the following:

- Write descriptive alt text that accurately describes the image content.
- Use relevant keywords when appropriate, but avoid keyword stuffing.
- Keep alt text concise and to the point.
- If the image is purely decorative and doesn't convey important information, use empty alt text (alt="").

13. Schema and Other Structured Data

Implementing structured data markup, such as Schema.org, can enhance the visibility of your web pages in search results. It helps search engines understand the context and meaning of your content. Consider the following:

  • Identify the relevant structured data types that align with your content (e.g., articles, recipes, events, products).
  • Use schema markup to provide additional details about your content, such as ratings, prices, dates, etc.
  • Test your structured data using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure it's properly implemented.

14. Links

Links are an important aspect of on-page SEO. Consider the following tips:

  • Use fully qualified links whenever possible, providing the complete URL of the linked page.
  • Consider both internal linking (linking to other pages within your website) and external linking (linking to reputable external sources).
  • Use descriptive anchor text that provides context about the linked page.
  • Ensure all links are functional and not broken.

15. Harness SEO Tools for Optimization Insights

While not directly an on-page factor, utilizing the right SEO tools and gaining insights from them is crucial for optimizing your web pages.

Utilize SEO Tools for In-Depth Analysis

SEO tools like Bruce Clay's Single Page Analyzer or other comprehensive SEO software allow you to deeply analyze and gather key SEO data about your web pages. You can evaluate factors like:

  • Keyword optimization - How well you target key terms
  • Backlink profiles - Who links to you and anchor text
  • On-page elements - Headings, titles, alt text, etc
  • Technical SEO - Site speed, responsive design, security

These tools provide optimization insights you may miss manually. Run detailed audits on every page.

Analyze Your Own Pages and Competitors'

Conducting analysis on both your own pages and competitors' pages uncovers comparative opportunities for improvement.

See how your pages stack up against top-ranking competitors' pages for your target keywords. If they outperform you on certain metrics, those become areas to optimize.

Their backlink profile, follower counts, domain authority, and more can reveal what you may be lacking to rank as highly. Let competitors' successes show where you have room to grow.

Continuously Refine Your Strategy

Use the insights from SEO tools to continually refine your optimization strategies. The data can validate existing efforts as well as illuminate blind spots.

If core pages lack backlinks or have subpar load speed, develop tactics to address those weaknesses. A/B test optimizing title tags and meta descriptions.

Let the data guide your priority focus areas for the biggest ROI. Turn insights into actions to steadily improve.

SEO is data-driven - leveraging advanced SEO tools provides the data to compete and win even in challenging niches. Don't optimize blindly. Let tools provide visibility.


Implementing all these best practices takes serious work - no doubt about it. But the SEO rewards make it worth it. Showcasing your true expertise, crafting great content, making those pages blazing fast, and structuring them for real people will send your website traffic and visibility straight to the moon!

Keep refining the on-page factors over time while keeping an eye on the analytics. Be sure to pair these essential on-page tactics with some solid off-page optimization like securing natural links and social shares. Do that, and you've got yourself a winning SEO combo.

So what are you waiting for? Go implement these on-page SEO wins and watch your search rankings start climbing up, up and away! You got this!

Don't have time to handle SEO yourself? Contact Kinetiks Consulting for proven, data-driven strategies that increase search visibility and boost conversions.


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